As we approach the end of another year with all the difficulties of COVID in the background (and perhaps forefront), the Atlas Team is thankful for all our educators – for the hard work of returning to the classroom, whatever that might have looked like for you. While you’re front-and-center for that “return”, the Atlas Team remains commited to innovations and new opportunities to support our school partners in every phase of your curriculum journey.
With that support in mind, this year we provided over 1,200 hours of Professional Development, offered over 260 webinars free of charge, and hosted 23 global events (virtually). We’ve grown our own team of educators to better serve schools’ professional development needs and launched our new MiniPD platform to cater to individualized professional learning.
Simultaneously, we continue to improve and transform the Atlas system itself to better meet your needs. In addition to improved integrations between Atlas and other systems at your school, we’ve been adding more lesson planning features, interface updates, and much more. You’ll continue to see more and more improvements and we look forward to your feedback in setting the course!
What’s new? 2021 Updates
What’s new? 2021 Resources

Sharing Curriculum with the Broader Community

Prioritizing Standards within your Curriculum using Atlas
Our Year in Support
Support Tickets Raised
Customer Satisfaction Rating
Support Calls
Online Trainings
Tickets responded to within 8 hrs
Hours of Professional Development
Standards Updated