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New Release: Atlas Calendar Updates

Announcements, Product Updates | May 21, 2022
Written by Megan Davenport, Atlas Team Every year seems to fly by faster than the last, and there seems to be more content we are responsible for teaching. Because of this, pacing is key to making the most of the one, short school year we have with our students. If we...

2021 Year in Review

Announcements | December 30, 2021
As we approach the end of another year with all the difficulties of COVID in the background (and perhaps forefront), the Atlas Team is thankful for all our educators – for the hard work of returning to the classroom, whatever that might have looked like for you. While...

Atlas 10 coming in July!

The user interface is being updated and modernized. This means a smoother experience for educators, and better accessibility too.  Here are the things you will notice once your Atlas site is upgraded to the latest version. Watch the short video (2:31), or read on for...

2020 Year in Review

Announcements | January 1, 2021
While the unique circumstances of the year required new ways of supporting existing and building new partnerships, we remained committed to the broader community of educators of which we are a part. As our society in general and education specifically faced...