By Marie-Theres Whitehead, Teacher at International School Ho Chi Minh City Likely everyone involved in curriculum development has not only heard but also battled at one point with crafting high-level Enduring Understandings. Even though we all know how to fill the...
Written by Andrea Fanjoy and Luis Correa-Power Social and Emotional Learning Curriculum with Standards By Andrea Fanjoy, Assistant Head of Academics at Kingsway College School in Canada Since beginning mapping with Atlas, we introduced a new subject to be mapped and...
Adopt the PDE SAS framework into unit plans For those of you that have logged on and looked at the SAS portal, you know that there are a lot of resources there. You can adopt these into your curriculum. In this approach, full SAS modules can be used as the building...
Career and Technical Education is a growing pathway for students looking to become engaged in real world training within a standard academic environment. Cutting edge, rigorous, and relevant – Career and Technical Education curriculum centers around learning that...
1. Student Struggles & Successes Krista Miller, Curriculum Director at Vision International School, Qatar Vision International School (Qatar) opened in September 2014. While some teachers had experience using Atlas in previous schools, most of our teachers did...
Written by the Atlas Team featuring resources prepared by Janet Hale, Education Consultant and Author Standards aid teachers in designing aligned curriculum that represents what students need to know, understand, and be able to do in each grade level or course. Janet...