Materials Prepared by Pamela Penna, The Park School, MA This blog is adapted from a webinar. Strong leaders are able to create a shared vision, which is no small task. In fact, one of the most challenging aspects of being a school leader is to successfully...
Integrating the Learner Profile into the Curriculum Viviane Mingazzini, IB Coordinator at Marymount International, Italy The Education Committee of Marymount International school decided to create a Marymount student profile which could better reflect the identity of...
Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Alignment One of the most productive meetings we had was coming to consensus on a common working language. We were not going to be able to develop a common vision and philosophy about curriculum and curriculum development until...
By Rubicon International, featuring Janet Hale, Educational Consultant States across the nation are adopting and adapting the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The NGSS represent more than just a list of expectations students are supposed to meet – they are a...
By the Atlas PD Team We all know the steps to the teaching dance: forward into our room, side step to themes and decorations, double back to our plans and vision for our children, and a final flourish as we arrange our desks and check our rosters. And then, just like...
Written by the FariaPD Team: Featuring Dr. RJ Webber from Novi Community School District and Dr. Matt Crowley and Team from Woburn Schools **This blog is adapted from a webinar. Watch the webinar here! Dr. Webber and Dr. Crowley set the tone by sharing their hashtag...