As a student, I had serious grade anxiety. I was constantly concerned about maintaining a high GPA and making honor roll. My barometer for success rested on grades, so much so that I conflated grades with long term success in my post-grad life, as if memorization of a...
Jump to the different tips: Tip #1: Know the Key Elements of a Process Tip #2: Consider Everyone Involved Tip #3: Know and Plan for Obstacles Tip #4: Build a Team Tip #5: Come Back to Your Plan Often Tip #1: Know the Key Elements of a Process Tasks: What must be done...
We hold these truths to be self-evident: Teachers are professionals, with long-curated bodies of work. Communities of teachers are their own best source of professional development. Capturing a professional portfolio ensures a teacher’s legacy. Teachers are...
History of the Catholic Curriculum Standards The Catholic Curriculum Standards came about after the release of the Common Core standards, when Catholic dioceses, schools, and the overall Catholic community reflected on the adoption of these national standards. In...
In a recent Spark Webinar, Mike Fisher joined us to discuss how to use modeling to target the NGSS science and engineering practices. Our goal as science teachers, he explained, is to create a space where students see themselves as scientists. To do this it’s all...
by Megan Davenport, Rubicon International I have been thinking a lot about assessments lately. The debate about what types of assessments, and how many assessments we should give, intrigues me. On one hand, I strongly believe in measuring student progress and ensuring...