Written by Megan French, Atlas Transforming the construct of social justice into an explicit teaching topic in the classroom is no easy task, regardless of the grade level being taught. I can only imagine the challenges a teacher might have in finding effective...
Written by Kelly Robinson, Faria Education Group In 2018-2019, 7.1 million students aged 3-21 received special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), accounting for 14 percent of all public school students in the United States...
Written by Marie Mugabe, FariaPD We know school looks different this year. Among numerous changes schools are facing, a priority for many schools is adjusting or auditing their units and curriculum to ensure they promote social justice and encompass equity and...
Written by Amber Villa-Zang and Kelby Zenor, Faria Education Group“An excellent education is not just what gets taught today. It’s the cumulative effect of a coherent, cumulative, thoughtfully sequenced, and knowledge-rich curriculum that broadens and deepens over...
Written by Sarah Hanna, Atlas & Amber Villa-Zang , FariaPD As our world is steeped in change, and we alter our lives in response to the pandemic, teachers and schools are a central component in these adjustments. This period of adaptation includes grappling with...
Written by Helen Maltese, Atlas I commit the majority of my time to managing our database of standards, which translates to I read a lot of standards daily. I research international program requirements, locally adopted state standards, and recently published...