Hands On, Mind On Tell me, I forget. Show me, I remember. Involve me, I understand.~ Ancient Chinese Proverb What are Total Participation Techniques? Presida and William Himmele state, “A Total Participation Technique is a teaching technique that allows a teacher to...
Rachelle Dene Poth, teacher Riverview School District, writes: “When students have choices in how to show what they have learned, they are more likely to be engaged and excited for learning. They will feel valued, and the lesson and learning will be more...
As a History teacher, I have encountered a number of folks who say something like, “I am not a History person,” or “Oh, I hated History when I was in school.” Almost always it’s not a problem with History itself, but instead with the way they interacted with it in...
Using the two levels of standards flagging in Atlas, schools and teachers can prioritize standards for instruction across their courses and units. As teachers deliver instruction and assess these standards and benchmarks, schools can use these different kinds of...
As teachers, we are constantly searching for articles, books, or advice on how to make learning stick with our students. In our classrooms, we want engaged learners who retain what they have learned and apply it in their lives for years to come. But how do we actually...
Para muchas docentes, integrar la tecnología a la educación puede ser todo un reto. Hay decenas de barreras, muchas de ellas autoimpuestas, que suelen aparecer cuando se trata de innovar. El miedo al cambio es real, pero la clave para avanzar es meterse de lleno,...