One of our favorite events of the year is hosting our Curriculum Leadership Institute at our offices in Portland, Oregon. At this two-day event, we gather educators and leaders from around the world to collaborate on the curriculum process at their schools. We work with leaders to define their curricular purpose, unpack their goals, and equip them with action plans to launch and continue the curriculum process at their schools.

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This summer, we hosted a cohort of 24 attendees from six states in the US and eight countries! In addition to the connections made, we were able to facilitate meaningful discussion and collaboration across schools, providing the opportunity to learn from the successes and challenges of each other’s experiences.

Goals for Curriculum Leadership Institute

Our attendees arrived at the Curriculum Leadership Institute with a variety of goals for their schools and teams, including:

  • Develop a curriculum revision plan and align the curriculum vertically.
  • Advance our systemic curriculum writing processes, learn about the AI feature, develop a plan and timeline.
  • To learn about tools for curriculum development and alignment to bring back to my team.
  • Strategies to best assist teachers on my team with understanding and using the curriculum.
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In addition to the two days of work to define curricular purpose and to collaborate on the creation and refinement of a curriculum process, school leaders had the opportunity to work one on one with our Professional Development team and School Experience Managers to brainstorm ways to align their curriculum tools to their overarching goals and action plans.

Takeaways from Portland

“The sessions were engaging and provided a lot of opportunity to learn from others at the event.”

“I generally loathe being “protocol’d” and being forced to work with others, especially those I don’t know. In this case, those conversations were very powerful and I gained a lot by listening to others and their journeys.”

“Can I just say, the ambiance was pristine. You thought of everything- the materials you provided, meeting us at security, moving around the building, lunch adventure, snacks, afternoon refreshments, HAPPY HOUR and a view? It was just such a great culture to do important (and sometimes overwhelming) work. The ambiance led to a more enjoyable and productive experience for me (and I think my team). Thank you!!!”

Join us for an upcoming Curriculum Leadership Institute in a region near you! Explore all of our events and reach out to your School Experience Manager for more information about opportunities to jump start your curriculum process.

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