Beginning an Early Years mapping initiative can be daunting for schools. Various moving parts, like different pedagogies and class structure, can encumber consistency in approach and expectations

If you’re not sure whether you want to build a separate template for your early childhood education curriculum, we reached out to two of our partner schools to learn about their approach to mapping early childhood curriculum. Read on to see how either approach can benefit your school’s process.

Creating an Early Years-Specific Template

Gemma Cleverley, Nursery Teacher, Gulf English School


Why did you choose to create a separate template for the Nursery program?


What are the benefits of having a unique template for Nursery?


How does curriculum mapping for Nursery differ from other levels?


Based on template feedback from your Nursery teachers, have you modified your template?

Integrating the Early Years into the General Mapping Template

Whitney Drennan, Head of Lower School, Louise S. McGehee School


Why did you choose to preserve the Pre-K maps within the default template?


What are the benefits of keeping the template uniform across grade levels?


How do Pre-K teachers adapt their mapping to the specific needs of the program in the default template?


Has the Pre-K program informed the development of the default template?


Are there any other insights about mapping Pre-K you want to share?


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