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date range November 2 – 3, 2024

location on Dubai, UAE

Regional Curriculum Workshop
ورشة عمل إقليمية للمناهج

Moving your Curriculum Process Forward
دفع عملية المنهج الدراسي إلى الأمام


Sessions focused on curriculum process, instructional practices, and product specific support


Attendees from across the Middle East


Past attendees join us for another workshop


Attending walk away with a site update or resource to help streamline their curriculum process

Faria Education is delighted to be back in the United Arab Emirates with our Regional Curriculum Workshop held in partnership with Sharjah American International School. Collaborate with educators from across the region as we explore best practices in curriculum planning and create plans for the school year and beyond!
يسر Faria Education أن تعود إلى دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة مع ورشة العمل الإقليمية للمناهج الدراسية، التي تُقام بالتعاون مع مدرسة الشارقة الأمريكية الدولية. تعاونو مع معلمين من جميع أنحاء المنطقة لاستكشاف أفضل الممارسات في تخطيط المناهج الدراسية ووضع خطط للسنة الدراسية وما بعدها!

We welcome educational leaders and teachers to join us for two professional learning days, which can be attended together or separately based on your goals. We will discuss ways Atlas and Managebac can support your curriculum process and collaboratively learn from leaders across the region.
ندعو القادة التعليميين والمعلمين للانضمام إلينا في يومين من التعلم المهني، حيث يمكنكم الحضور في كلا اليومين أو في يوم واحد فقط بناءً على أهدافكم. سنناقش كيفية دعم منصتي Atlas و Managebac لعملية تطوير المناهج، ونتعلم معًا من قادة التعليم في المنطقة. شاركوا في جلسات فرعية باللغة الإنجليزية أو العربية لاكتساب المعرفة في المواضيع التي تهمكم!

Focused Days أيام مركزة

November 2, 2024

Defining your Curriculum
تحديد منهجك الدراسي

Whether you are new to Atlas or Managebac or have been using the system for years, explore the many different ways you can modify and use the platforms to strengthen your curriculum process. Leave the day with several new ways to use Atlas or Managebac to support your curriculum work!
سواء كنت جديدًا على Atlas أو Managebac أو تستخدم النظام منذ سنوات، استكشف العديد من الطرق المختلفة التي يمكنك من خلالها تعديل الأنظمة الأساسية واستخدامها لتعزيز عملية المنهج الدراسي الخاصة بك. غادر الورشة مزودًا بعدة طرق جديدة لاستخدام Atlas أو Managebac لدعم عملك في المنهج!

See Sched Agenda for This Day

November 3, 2024

Moving Your Curriculum Process Forwardدفع عملية المنهج الدراسي إلى الأمام

Focus on the next steps for your curriculum work. Whether you are just getting started, in need of a refresh, or ready to focus on the review process, walk away with a draft plan for the year. Step back and explore how using the curriculum alongside student learning results and classroom data, allows for student needs to drive our curricular decisions.
ركز على الخطوات القادمة لعمل المنهج الخاص بك. سواء كنت قد بدأت للتو، أو كنت بحاجة إلى التحديث، أو كنت مستعدًا للتركيز على عملية المراجعة، ستغادر مع مسودة خطة لهذا العام. عد إلى الوراء واستكشف كيف أن استخدام المنهج الدراسي جنبًا إلى جنب مع نتائج تعلم الطلاب وبيانات الفصل الدراسي، سيسمح لاحتياجات الطلاب بتوجيه قراراتنا المتعلقة بالمناهج الدراسية.

See Sched Agenda for This Day

Why Attend?لماذا تحضر؟

Learning Activities ico
Deep dive into your curriculum process and gain resources to support your team
9. School Leadership Process 1
Network and collaborate with educational leaders in your region
7. Project Based Learning 1
Explore ways Atlas or Managebac can support your curricular goals

Who Should Join?من يجب أن ينضم؟

SHCA 50. Administrator Dark Hair 1
Leaders of the Curriculum work – Heads of School, Curriculum Coordinators & Principals
SHCA 48. Male Teacher Yellow 1
Supporting the Curriculum work – Heads of Departments, Grade Level Leads & Teacher Leaders
13. People Workshops
Bring a Team! Collaborate with your team to develop a unique plan for your school

Pricing for the Workshop أسعار ورشة العمل

Early Bird Pricing through October 1


Single Day


Group of 3+


Both Days

Pricing after October 1


Single Day


Group of 3+


Both Days

*Registration fee includes: Continental breakfast and lunch and all materials*تشمل رسوم التسجيل: الإفطار القاري والغداء وجميع المواد

Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions or require assistance. يرجى التواصل مع [email protected] إذا كانت لديكم أي أسئلة أو تحتاجون إلى مساعدة.

Meet our Team in the Middle East قابل فريقنا في الشرق الأوسط

Sarah Frey

Sarah Frey

Account Manager


Marie Mugabe

Sr. Professional Development


Kelby Zenor

Director of Professional Development

Mary Salazar Headshot

Mary Salazar

Account Manager


Lamine Toumi

Sr. Customer Support

Tile 1

Erica Hartmann

Event Coordinator

Suroor Aldhalemi

Suroor Aldhalemi

Atlas Subject Matter Expert

Our Previous Events

What Our Attendees Said

Event Location مكان الحدث

The workshop will take place at Sharjah American International School – Dubai Campus.ستُعقد ورشة العمل في مدرسة الشارقة الأمريكية الدولية – فرع دبي.

13 Street – Al Warqa – Al Warqa 1
Dubai – United Arab Emirates

Transportation and Hotels

Complimentary transportation to and from the workshop will be provided for the DoubleTree Dubai Al Jaddaf and the Element Al Jaddaf.

Frequently Asked Questionsالأسئلة الشائعة

Will I get a certificate from the event?
For each day you attend you will receive a digital certificate that has your name, the event, hours and date.
Do I need to bring a computer?
Yes. Materials and resources will be shared virtually and you will want to be able to access your curriculum on Atlas, ManageBac, or other places.
What food will be provided throughout the day?
We will provide continental breakfast, lunch and snacks throughout the day. We will do our best to accommodate any food allergies that were shared in the pre-event survey or shared directly to Erica at [email protected].
Should I bring a colleague with me or attend on my own?
Although we welcome anyone to join, we always recommend bringing a thought partner to our workshops if possible. You will have time to collaborate with other educators throughout the sessions, but we also provide for teams. Prior participants are always thankful when they attend with colleagues.
What is the cancellation policy?
Cancellation must be received 21 days prior to the event for a full refund or credit minus a $50.00 processing fee. No refunds will be given after that date. Attendee substitutions can take place up to 48 hours prior to the event without penalty when it is an exact workshop substitution.

Can’t make it?لا تستطيع الحضور؟

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